Setelah sukses dengan hari pertama, berikut adalah agenda hari kedua dari OJK International Conference on Islamic Finance. Cek siapa tahu ada yang dapat Anda ikuti!
Bekerjasama dengan Islamic Development Bank (IDB) dan World Bank Group serta Swiss Confederation State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menyelenggarakan OJK International Conference on Islamic Finance pada 12-13 November 2015.
Acara yang akan berlangsung di Hotel Kempinski Grand Ballroom, Jakarta ini mengusung tema “Infrastructure Financing: The Unleashed Potential of Islamic Finance”. Tema ini sejalan dengan program pemerintah yang memprioritaskan pembangunan infrastruktur. Keuangan syariah pun diyakini masih dapat dieksplorasi lebih maksimal untuk pembangunan infrastruktur.
[su_note note_color=”#fafafa” text_color=”#000″ radius=”5″]Click 2 Tweet: Cek agenda hari kedua OJK International Conference on Islamic Finance di sini![/su_note]
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Konferensi ini diarahkan untuk membahas penggalian potensi bagi pemerintah dan sektor swasta dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pembiayaan infrastruktur melalui sektor keuangan syariah baik itu Perbankan Syariah, Pasar Modal Syariah dan industri keuangan non bank (IKNB) Syariah. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan dari melalui konferensi ini akan tergali potensi-potensi yang lebih besar dari produk keuangan syariah dalam pembiayaan khususnya infrastruktur skala besar dan kecil secara optimal.
Berikut adalah agenda hari kedua:
Friday, 13 November 2015 | |
08.30 – 10.00 | Session 3: Infrastructure Financing: Future Challenges and Risk Management
Sub-session 3A: Challenges in Infrastructure Financing in Developing Countries
Noureddine Krichene, Former Advisor IDB, Former Economist IMF Discussing main challenges in infrastructure investment and private sector infrastructure financing in developing countries as opportunities for Islamic infrastructure financing. Infrastructure Financing in ASEAN: Understanding Key to Successful Projects
Devarshi Das, Co CEO, CapAsia Discussing key to success in infrastructure projects from ASEAN perspective and opportunity for Islamic infrastructure financing in ASEAN countries. Infrastructure Financing in Indonesia: Government Policy
Wismana Adi Suryaprata, Deputy, Development Financing, National Development Planning Agency Discussing government policy in infrastructure projects and financing in Indonesia and its relation to Islamic infrastructure financing in ASEAN. Moderator: Zamir Iqbal, Head, Global Centre for Islamic Finance Development, World Bank Group |
10.00 – 10.15 | Networking & Refreshments |
10.15 – 11.30 | Sub-session 3B :
Product and Scheme of Islamic Infrastructure Financing
Ema Sri Martini, President Director, PT. Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Discussing infrastructure financing schemes and the risks involved. Risk Management in Infrastructure Financing
Waleed Abdul Wahab, Director of Infrastructure Department, IDB Discussing efforts on risk mitigation related to the infrastructure financing. The Costs of Capital for Infrastructure Investment and Risk Allocation
Stephen Vineburg, CEO, Asma Capital-IDB Infrastructure Fund II Discussing the costs of capital for infrastructure investment and risk allocation in infrastructure projects. Moderator: Edy Setiadi, –Deputy Commissioner in charge of Non-Bank Financial Institution, OJK |
11.30 – 14.00 | Lunch & prayer |
14.00 – 16.00 | Session 4 : Islamic Financing in Small-Scale Infrastructure Projects
The background, experience and opportunities in using Islamic financing schemes for small-scale infrastructure projects. Small-Scale Infrastructure Financing-World’s Best Practices
Ahmed M. Al-Rayes, Acting CEO, Ibdar Bank Social Infrastructure/Endowment Fund
Dadang Muljawan, Deputy Director, Macroprudential Policy Department, Bank Indonesia Islamic Private Equity Fund
Syafii Antonio, Sharia Economist Moderator: Roberto Akyuwen, Senior Executive Analyst for Microfinance Institution Development, OJK |
16.00 – 16.15 | Closing Remarks
Rahmat Waluyanto, Vice Chairman, OJK |